Ethical Storytelling Guidelines: I Wish I Would’ve Known…

“I wish I would have known.”  Does that sound familiar?  Good intentions don’t always equal good outcomes.  Some of my best-intended actions have gone poorly... Read more below

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March 25, 2023
Marketing, Resources

“I wish I would have known.”  Does that sound familiar?  Good intentions don’t always equal good outcomes.  Some of my best-intended actions have gone poorly because I wasn’t properly informed.  I wish I would have known then what I know now.

So it goes with telling the stories of those we help.  Stories are sacred.  They change lives, inspire people to give, and others to act.  We mean to motivate and encourage through them, yet if not approached properly, we can cause more damage than good.  If we don’t use proper caution and ensure our entire organization does the same, we could dishonor the very ones we are trying to honor.  We could even end up with a lawsuit.

Be informed now. Download this Ethical Guidelines Template today. Get your whole organization on the same page with the stories you collect and the process it entails so you can tell great stories that dignify both the story owner and the story listener. Tell stories everyone can feel good about.

Get the template below by entering your email and then “Download” or “Make a Copy” to share it to your own Google Drive, and then edit it to apply to your organization!