Loving Houston

Building Bridges Between Houston’s Churches & Public Schools

Loving Houston helps Greater Houston schools partner with local churches to meet practical needs in and out of the classroom.

After building more than 200 church school partnerships, and involving thousands of church volunteers in public schools, Loving Houston hoped to expand its network of churches, volunteers, and donors. With their first big fundraiser coming up, they reached out to us to clarify their core messaging in order to explain their mission in clear language and make it easy to get involved. With their new messaging and strong community, they were able to raise over $140,000 at their 10 year celebration! 

As a faith-based organization, Loving Houston also needed guidelines for nuanced communication with faith-based audiences and secular audiences without changing their identity as an organization.

Based on survey results from all three audiences, we created a comprehensive messaging guide that helps Loving Houston's clearly and consistently communicate with each of its primary audiences: Churches, Schools, and Donors.

In order to maintain communication standards as their organization grows, their messaging guide provides guidance on:

  • Tone and voice
  • Brand archetypes
  • Audience personas and psychographics
  • Core messaging, brand narratives, and short and long elevator pitches
  • Words and phrases to avoid
  • Lead generation ideas
  • Email marketing strategies
  • Social media posting strategies

As Loving Houston continues in its mission to pair each school in Greater Houston with a caring church partner, their messaging foundations have helped them maintain internal alignment and connect with more churches, donors, volunteers, and schools than ever before.

Solace Media creates and deploys strategies that actually increase revenue and drive greater impact for mission-driven organizations.