Freedom Church Alliance

Uniting the Church to Fight Human Trafficking

Freedom Church Alliance (FCA) is an organization that unites churches and anti-trafficking organizations to fight human trafficking. When FCA realized that individuals in the church were not equipped to take a stand against human trafficking, they created The GoBox, which is a toolkit that provides specific steps to educate, empower and connect individuals in churches to join the fight against human trafficking in Houston. Solace Media was able to help design the first version of this unique box and also create an animation video, explaining how the GoBox works.

In 2022, we developed and designed a brand new website for the Freedom Church Alliance, to go alongside the launch of their new GoBox. It was important for this new site to have a specific look to match the new “Architectural Digest” look of the new GoBox book - The Fight for Freedom. The Resource Page was a fun development build out to help the user find the type of resources they are looking for. We also developed a customized shopping cart experience to help with the check out process for the GoBox.

In the first three months of launching the new website, traffic to the website more than doubled!

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