Does Your Website Pass the Ten Second Test?

Date: July 30, 2024

How to easily explain your organization

When someone comes to your website for the first time, how long does it take them to understand your mission?

30 seconds? 60 seconds? A few minutes? 

What if I told you that research shows you only have ten seconds before a website visitor decides to stay or leave?

Because you only have 10 seconds, your website needs to use words that pique curiosity and make a memorable first impression.

How? By passing the “ten second test.”

Imagine you put a laptop in front of someone who’s never heard of your organization and pulled up your website. But they can only look for ten seconds. When you close the laptop after just ten seconds, could they answer these three questions:

  1. What do you do?
  2. How will it make my life better, or why should I care?
  3. What action do I need to take?

Of course, your audience can look for more than ten seconds. But your audience are smart, busy people whose brains are constantly filtering information based on what’s useful and important to them (or not).

If they don’t see anything useful or relevant to them after ten seconds, they’ll likely leave.

The problem is, many nonprofit websites start something like this:

  1. What do you do? Serve your community… but how?
  2. Why should I care? I’m not sure.
  3. What action do I need to take? Learn more, I guess?

Or this:

  1. What do you do? Support and uplift communities in need… but how? Where?
  2. Why should I care? I’m not sure.
  3. What action do I need to take? Get Involved… but how?

These websites may sound inspiring and positive… but do they pass the ten second test?


Now, how about this website:

  1. What do you do? Voluntary foster care and family support.
  2. Why should I care? Because every child deserves a home that gives them hope.
  3. What action do I need to take? Donate or request help.

Let’s look at one more:

  1. What do you do? Coaching, team leadership development, and consulting.
  2. How will it make my life better? Because you can help me lead with confidence and clarity.
  3. What action do I need to take? Get a leadership coach, or listen to the podcast if I’m not ready for coaching.

Now that you’ve seen some examples of websites that do (and don’t) pass the ten second test, take a look at your own website. 

Or, better yet, show it to someone who isn’t familiar with your organization.

Do you pass the ten second test? It’s okay if you don’t. Few organizations do.

Start by answering those three questions in clear and simple language. Then, make sure the answers are in the very first section of your website.

Get these first 10 seconds right, and your website will capture the attention of more visitors. And that means more engagement, donations, and sign-ups.

Want to go beyond the first section of your website?

Clear your calendar for August 20 at 11 am and sign up for a 30-minute live webinar: Nonprofit Websites Done Right.

You’ll learn the simple methods we use to create $15k+ professional websites, such as:

  1. How to clearly communicate what you do in 70 seconds or less
  2. The 2-step formula to organize your website pages
  3. The 9 sections every nonprofit homepage needs

Click here to check out the recording of our webinar on Youtube!

The ten second test is a powerful tool, but it’s only the beginning of an effective website.

And don’t worry - there’s no sales pitch at the end!

Solace Media creates and deploys strategies that actually increase revenue and drive greater impact for mission-driven organizations.